
Parent Education and Offerings

sunrise family resource center
Parent education and support activities including county wide playgroups, Parent Education Classes, and supportive activities offered throughout the year. Find our current activities on our Facebook page.

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sunrise family resource center

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More Program Information

Video "shorts" are available on the following topics:

  • Discipline
    Evaluate your own views on discipline, learn the difference between discipline and punishment and how negative discipline impacts your children. Build a knowledge of positive discipline and examples on how to implement positive discipline with your children.
  • Internet Safety
    Listen to a presentation created by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, presented by our Parent Educator. Helping parents have a better understanding of the risk related to the internet and how to monitor.
  • Safe Sleep
    Listen to parents discuss safe sleep, what safe sleep is, and why safe sleep is so important.
  • Child Development
    • Birth to 2 months

      Gain a knowledge of all the changes that will take place with your baby from birth to three months.

    • 2 months to 6 months

      Gain a knowledge of all the changes that will take place with your baby from three to six months.

    • 6 months to 12 months

      Gain a knowledge of all the changes that will take place with your baby from six months to nine months

    • 12 months to 18 months

      Gain a knowledge of all the changes that will take place with your baby from nine month to twelve months.

    • 18 months to 24 months

      Babies go through rapid phases of development where they may be more fussy or inconsolable than usual. Learn more about these phases and how you can help your baby through them.

  • Parent and Child Interactions
    Children learn from their interactions with their parents. Learn how to connect with your children to strengthen your bond and help them as they develop.

Please contact Parent Educator, Tiffany Racicot by email or by calling 802-442-0058 for video links and certificate options.

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